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Symptoms Of Infertility – Age, Sex And Lifestyle Factors

Infertility Symptoms – Definitions

A couple is infertile when they are unable to have a baby after 12 months of regular and unprotected intercourse. Infertility is the incapacity to procreate.

One or both partners have varying emotional reactions when they are diagnosed as infertile. Extreme reactions often come from couples who are childless.

Infertile couples who’ve never had children are classified under primary infertility.

On another note, couples who classify under secondary infertility are those who have had a baby before but are now having trouble getting pregnant once more.

Masculinity – The Male Element

Various factors, both emotional and physical, can lead to infertility.

Male-exclusive factors such as low sperm count, retrograde ejaculation, scarring from sexually transmitted diseases, hormone deficiency, and impotence, make up around 30-40% of infertility cases.

Intake of prescription drugs like nitrofurantoin, cimetidine and spironolactone and even frequent marijuana use can negatively affect sperm count.

Being Female

Ovulation dysfunction, fallopian tube abnormality, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, scarring from STDs, hormonal imbalances, pelvic infection, poor nutrition, and tumors are just some of these “female factors.” These make up between 40 and 50 % of infertility problems among couples.

Factors contributed by both individuals and unidentifiable factors are responsible for 10 to 30% of all infertility cases.

It is estimated that just 10 to 20% of couples fail to conceive after a year. It is crucial that couples continue with their attempts at conception for 12 months, at the least.

Age-Related Factors

Healthy couples who have intercourse regularly and are below 30 years old have only a 25 to 30% chance a month of becoming pregnant. A woman is most fertile when she’s in her 20s. The likelihood of pregnancy for women above 35 years old is less than 10% each month, even less for those beyond 40 years old.

Others Factors Not Related To Age

Infertility is not solely blamed on age-related factors. The risk of infertility is also heightened because of the following factors:

* Multiple sexual partners (higher possibility of getting STDs)
* STIs
* Pelvic inflammatory disease history
* Orchitis or epididymitis history in males
* Men who’ve suffered mumps before
* Male varicocle
* Health background citing exposure to DES (both male and female)
* Eating disorders among women
* Anovulatory and irregular menstrual cycles
* Endometriosis
* Uterine problems or a blockage in the cervix
* Long-term disease like diabetes

Other Useful Information

Click here for info about issues related to ovarian cyst pain.

Click here for info about issues concerning a bleeding ovarian cyst.

Click here for info about how to prevent ovarian cysts.

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