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Prematurely Aging? Find Out How Anti Aging Skin Care Can Help

Mirrors cannot lie and if your mirror doesn’t concur with your actual age, then its time you get started with anti aging treatment. Biologically, there are only two processes responsible for aging, but they can speed up for a number of reasons. You won’t derive any long term benefits by just applying anti aging skin care products, you must also make substantial changes to your lifestyle.

Stress is one of the major causes of premature aging. The effects of stress are cumulative, which is to say that they add up over time, and can easily add a decade to your actual age. Pollutants are the most significant external factor responsible for the onset of premature aging, toxic pollutants like free radicals do widespread damage to cells and tissues. Make sure your anti-aging skin care product has antioxidants in it, they protect against damage from free radicals.

A complete diet and lifestyle makeover is the most natural and efficient way of slowing down aging. Researchers are now rediscovering what was known for centuries – that a calorie restricted diet can increase longevity and slow down aging. Although, the science behind aging is not yet completely understood, but a correlation between aging and dieting has been established beyond doubt. Calorie restriction mainly involved the consumption of fewer calories than necessary. Even anti aging skin care professionals are using these findings to create new diets for their clients.

If you want to stay young and healthy – stick with antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the extent of free radical damage by neutralizing free radicals. Vitamin B12 and vitamin C are great antioxidants. Your diet should include necessary vitamin supplements and, use a anti-aging skin care product that contains vitamins. 

Don’t forget to include fruits, salads and juices in your diet, citrus fruits and berries are rich natural sources of antioxidants. Avoid dryness, keep your skin hydrated and use a suitable face wash and anti aging skin care lotion.