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Need help with your diet, READ THIS?

Stone Carlton Asked: Need help with your diet, READ THIS?

I understand this isent a question, but i find WAY to many people trying to help people with lifting, diets etc…, and are giving people the complete wrong view on nutrition info. Ok look. You need to find your maintenance, (You can do this by google'ing, calorie maintenance calculator). Once you enter the info, and get your calories your body burns daily (maintenance). (we will use 2500 calories as an e.x. later on). Once you find your maintenance, depending on your goals
Gaining lean muscle- +500 to your calories so with the e.x its 3000 calories daily.

Losing fat- -500 to your calories so with the e.x its 2000 calories daily.

Ok now that you know your calorie intake for the day its time to figure out your macros-(Fats, Proteins, Carbs.) As an example say your a female weighing 130 looking to burn fat, What you can do is find your Fat, Protein, Carb intake. (If u need help with this feel free to email me stone.carlton@yahoo.com). So as an example a 130lb female looking to burn fat, with a calorie maintenance of 2500, you would -500 calories. Being 2000 cals. Once you know your intake, (2000) cals your going to find your fats, proteins, carbs. As an ex im going to give u random macros- lets say 50fat 200protein 150carbs = 2050 carbs. So since you know your macros you can EAT WHATEVER YOUR HEART DESIRES, just keep track.

This is were everyone makes the mistake. For instance say as my macros are above, and i stop at wendys and order a large fri, with chicken nuggest (5). The macronutrient breakdown = 20fat 30protein and 60carbs. Eating this will not make you fat. I repeat it will not. As long as you hit your goal macros- it dosent matter what u fill them with. Whether its poptarts, for a carb source it will have no difference if you eat, 20carbs worth of sweet potato, or 20carbs of poptarts, It will have no difference in body composition , (Losing fat or Gaining lean quality muscle). This way of thinking is called (IIFYM) meaning If It Fits Your Macros. I am a certified personal trainer, I am maintained my abs following this. ALSO very important!!!. Meal timing is irrelevant. Eating 6 meals a day will have 0 difference on your metabolism. Nor is there a time to late to eat. Another common myth is eating carbs past a certain time will turn to fat. Not true. Also a lot of people will say Watch your sugar. I dont watch my sugar at all, nor does it turn to fat. Now if your maintenance is 2500 and your eating 4000 cals a day , Sugar might turn to fat, but so may carbs and proteins.

Now that i have shown u the 100% true way of dieting go out an be lean machines!..

On a serious note. If you have any questions what so ever! email me. stone.carlton@yahoo.com


babydoll Answered:
The subject of childhood obesity is a good one. However, your presentation needs work.For example "Numerous children are victims of variety of health problems inflicted by the insufficiency of good nutrition and physical activity" then later "Not only do they have an inadequate nutritious diet, they also are lacking physical activity in their lives…" You are repeating yourself unnecessarily.
Casey Answered:
Hmmmm no.

You've given the whole package in your introduction.

There should be a paragraph for each thing that causes obesity + the solution to each thing.

Your intro should be a general intro of 4-5 sentences.

Your topic sentence isn't too exciting.

William Harrison Answered:
*is becoming* implies it is not yet an epidemic
what types of goods are "fast?" poorly worded
*inadequate nutritious diet* implies an overall nutritious diet
Paternal influences cause poor diet and activity, do not directly cause Obesity

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