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Frequent Headaches

They are a enervating problem

Frequent headaches can be a debilitating problem, detracting significantly from quality of life. The medical community breaks headaches into a system of categories, with primary headaches accounting for the vast majority of headaches.

Cluster and secondary headaches are far rarer, but can present the patient with severe pain and more serious neurological issues. Although never life threatening, primary headaches can nonetheless be very serious, infringing on quality of life in many cases. Frequent headaches, even milder primary headaches, can have a serious effect on enjoyment of daily life.

Is there any prevention?

How can frequent headaches be prevented? That depends on the source of the headaches. Primary headaches are frequently a symptom of tension, and can become frequent if the cirumstances that prompt them are a regular facet of daily life for the patient. Tension headaches are brought about when the patient undergoes significant emotional or physical stress. This kind of stress causes the muscles that cover the skull to contract, resulting in pain from the pressure. This can be difficult to prevent and treat. Over the counter medications typically do a good job in treating this kind of primary headache when it occurs.

Reduce stress

Prevention is more about circumventing the kind of situations that prompt serious physical and emotional stress. This kind of stress results directly in contraction of the skull muscles, subsequently causing sometimes serious headaches. Frequent headaches can be a sign that life adjustments need to be made. If emotional stress is thought to be behind the frequent headaches, consider visiting a doctor about this stress, or taking steps in personal life to reduce the stress.

Are there probably more serious problems?

Frequent headaches that occur seemingly at random can be a sign of a more serious secondary problem. In these situations, a structural or chemical problem in the brain is to blame for the pain. This can signify a serious issue, such as a tumor growing in the brain. Although this is rarely the cause, frequent headaches should be cause for a visit with the doctor.

Over the counter medications are typically all that is needed to treat a primary headache. Aleve and ibuprofen work equally well to treat primary headaches. In more serious cases, therapeutic steps such as biofeedback may be needed in order to overcome the pain associated with frequent headaches. If none of these measures provide a remedy for the pain, consider seeing a specialist about the pain.