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Your Questions About How To Tell If You Have A High Tolerance To Pain

Robert asks…

How does this work: Chronic pain and high pain tolerance?

Ok, I have a high pain tolerance. I got my wisdom teeth taken out a few years ago — they worked for fifteen minutes digging one out — and didn’t have any discomfort afterwards. I can get my finger caught in a door, whatever, and I barely react at all.

But I also have pain almost every time I move. Putting in a load of laundry is painful.

Does that mean that the pain is worse than I think it is, or just that my high pain tolerance doesn’t apply to that type of pain?

admin answers:

Chronic Pain is different in the sense because the body is now responding to a bunch of mixed up signals from the brain telling you have pain I am not saying it’s in your head.

The body records pain and memorizes it. As you move about throughout the day, it starts fiing these signals.

Fibromyalgia has been showing great improvements with the LIDOCAINE INFUSION. It’s awesome for chronic pain.

Richard asks…

How is it stretching from a 0g to a 00g?

I’ve had my 0g flares for about 3+ months, reason being is because I believe I tore one lobe since it bled, but they’re all fine now, and a lot of people say my holes look huge & ready. I know I’m going to stretch them next Wednesday, I just wanna know if it’s extremely painful, because some people have told me that the 0g-00g stretch is the most bothersome. Also, I do have a pretty high tolerance for pain

admin answers:

I’m about to go to double zero and i’m having problems stretching i usually use tapers and they began stretching on there own if i can make it go through i use “Neosporin” to lubricate it and it helps a lot keeping germs out and helping it heal.

James asks…

How much time should I plan to take off for a tummy tuck?

I will need to take the shortest time off possible. I have a high tolerance for pain (had to children unmedictaed, by choice). I have heard that it is terribly painful. If I took off on a Friday, had the surgery done that day, took the entire next week of work off and returned Monday (10 days off including weekends) do you think this would be enough time off even to return to work on light duty?

admin answers:

Doubt it. The surgeon will tell you how long you should be resting. It,s not about pain, as much as it is about healing. I had a colon resection, which is roughly comparable to a tummy tuck. I had no pain after a week. The healing took all of the six weeks i was off. To be honest, i think the doc cut it short. My two hernia surgeries were eight week recovery affairs.

Mary asks…

Is piercing your ear lobe really painful? How painful is it and how much compared to other piercings?

So i really wanna get my ears pierced because all of my friends have their earlobes pierced and some even have double and i feel so left out. And i see so many cute earrings in so many shops and i can only imagine how nice they would look on my ears. But the thing is, i’m really scared of pain and i have super low tolerance on pain so i’m really scared. and some people say that the older you get, the more painful and i’m already 13! My mum says not to worry and she got her’s pierced at 16 but she has high tolerance on pain so i can’t really compare it to hers. But anyways, i’m getting my ears pierced soon so i’m just wondering how painful it is compared to other piercings and how the pain is like so it can calm me down. Also, which one should i use; needle or gun?

And if you know any shops which have super cute earrings for a reasonable price, please tell me !! 🙂 Thanks!!

admin answers:

Ear lobe piercings are one of the least painful piercings.

I had my first pair of lobe-holes done by my doctor, using a needle. He did put a little dab of local anaesthetic on them but there was ZERO pain. I had my second pair of lobe-holes done about 10 years after that. They were done with a gun. It felt like a bit of a bang.

Now, needle vs gun. If you get a needle piercing there is less discomfort afterwards, the holes heal better and you end up with a better quality of hole. I’ll put a couple of links in for you to read about why a needle piercing is better and how to care for your piercing once you’ve got it.

More recently I had my nose pierced. That is a more painful piercing (while it was being done, which didn’t take long at all). I didn’t think about the pain before-hand, I thought about how I was going to be able to wear a lovely nose-stud. So I would strongly advise you to think about all the wonderful earrings you will be able to wear afterwards – some of my favouriste earrings in my collection were purchased in Malaysia, you have a great selection there!

Sandy asks…

Can you work at a desk a few days after having a tubal ligation?

I have a desk job (really, I spend the entire day sitting at the desk) and I wanted to know if a few days after tubal ligation, do you think it’d be OK to just sit at the desk while still still recovering? Or do you need to be bed ridden/laying down most of the time while recovering for a few days/weeks?

I have a high tolerance for pain, lived with gallbladder attacks for many years until its removal.

I am 25.

admin answers:

You should ask all these question to your gyn she is the right person who answer your question becoz she knows about your medical history and evry thing and follw her instruction pls pls i had c-sec with my 2nd son and i started home daily routine work after 3 weeks and my stiches swolen and there is pus began in my stiches and i had to be hospital so do as ur dr. Told you

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