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Your Questions About How Do You Know If You Have A High Pain Tolerance

Steven asks…

How much would a tattoo behind your war hurt?

I’m 15 and when I’m older I want to get a music note tattoo behind my right ear. How much would it hurt? I know everybody has a different pain tolerance, I have a pretty high pain tolerance, I think. I’ve got my cartilage pierced and my friend said I didn’t even flinch or squinch when the girl did it and I’m hoping to get my tragus done soon. My cartilage really didn’t hurt that much. How long would it take them to do and how much would it hurt? Thanks!!

admin answers:

I have 10 tattoos, in my experience the ones done on bone hurt a bit more than those done on muscle. Behind your ear sounds like it might be painful, but like you said everyone has a different level of tolerance. If you didn’t flinch when you got your cartilage pierced, you might be okay (my best friend, who is also heavily tattooed, got her cartilage pierced and she thought it hurt like a b*tch!) My most painful tattoo was done over my hip bone, which is odd because it’s incredibly small compared to most of my other tattoos (I also have one of my fingers tattooed.) Btw, I have a music note tattoo but it’s on my left bicep, it didn’t take long at all, I’d say less than an hour depending on how big (mine’s about an inch) and coloring/ shading details (like, if you’re going for color or just an all-black note.)

Ken asks…

How bad did a rook piercing hurt for you?

im getting mine done for me birthday which is in about 2 weeks and i was just wondering how badly it hurt for you, how long it took to heal, and if you had any problems. I have a very high pain tolerance.

admin answers:

I got my rook pierced about a year ago. I love it! I have a really high pain tolerance but it was definitely a big pinch and the noise was horrible. It was swollen for a good three weeks and i couldnt sleep on it for like a month. Other than that, its all good. Go for it.

Mark asks…

Contraction pains on one side and 38 weeks pregnant?

I am 38 weeks pregnant and just expirienced the worst pain in my lower left side right above my pelvis, and i have a pretty high pain tolerance. I am 3cm and 75% effaced could this be contraction pains? I could not talk through it. Any suggestions.

admin answers:

Perhaps.. It should be hurting all across your belly though — not just in one area or on one side. It should feel like your belly got really tight and hard. If they continue to the point where they are five minutes apart and last for about a minute is when you are supposed to go to the hospital. I only had about 5 contractions before I called my midwife and she gave me the go ahead to come in anyway. It wouldn’t hurt to call and ask! Good luck!

Susan asks…

How bad does a tragus piercing hurt?

I think i have a pretty high pain tolerance. I have my first and second hole in my ear pierced and my cartilage i also have a tattoo on my foot and i didn’t think any of them were painful. So how bad will a tragus piercing hurt?

admin answers:

It doesn’t hurt.
That’s the beauty with a tragus piercing.
You expect it to be horrible but it’s barely even a pinch.
It’s just the aftercare that’s a pain in the ***.
You really can’t mess with it and you have to be on your toes about cleaning it.
No changing the ring until instructed to by your piercer. You’ll get a keloid if you change it too soon and TRUST me, you do NOT want that.

Robert asks…

How bad does getting a tattoo hurt?

I want to get a tattoo of a bird on my shoulder. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, and am wondering what to expect when I get it.

admin answers:

The more fat in the area, the less it will hurt. I got my first tattoo on my wrist. It did burn closer to the hand, but it was a ticklish sort of pain elsewhere, if you can imagine that. It actually feels good in some areas. Definitely not something to worry about!

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