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Your Questions About How Do You Know If You Have High Pain Tolerance

Daniel asks…

Curious: Do you have a HIGH or LOW pain tolerance?

I know for a FACT that I’m a big sissy when it comes to pain.
LoL..so many people have high tolerance..I DO feel wimpy now.LoL.
Hey, thanks for the answers folks. 🙂
My granddad saw a co-worker of his sew his own cut closed!!!!
I couldn’t imagine how high his was.

admin answers:

Physical: medium to high. I have to have some tolerance level considering I very often get out-of-the-blue knee pains, sometimes in my left, sometimes my right, sometimes both at the same time. I often get back pain as well/ The back pain can be corrected with a chiropractor, but the knees are permanent. The knees been going on since I was 24, 25.

Plus, after having had 17 years of clinical depression, sometimes to the point of feeling suicidal when I was much younger, physical pain is SO much more bearable! Now FINALLY, I am on the road from recovering from depression! Whew! When I feel bad emotionally, I want to get better QUICK! It’s still possible to enjoy life to its fullest when you experience physical pain ( depend on the kind), but it’s darn well nearly impossible to enjoy life to its fullest when you’re not in a sunny mood!

Robert asks…

do women have a higher pain tolerance? or was i misinformed?

i came under the assumption that women due to childbirth periods (and constant painful grooming in more recent years such as “waxing” and other things) had developed a higher pain tolerance then me
this true or was i misinformed?
i think i misused assumption it was told to me by a female of my crew after she got hurt one day she told me she was fine and then told me “women have a higher pain tolerance” i later asked why and she explained to me “because women give birth and have periods we needed it so our bodies adapted” (true story, her words)

admin answers:

No. Men have higher pain thresholds and higher levels of pain tolerance. Studies show that women are far more sensitive to pain than men are because they have more nerve endings and connections between the neurons in their brain than men do.

Additionally, if women had a higher pain threshold and higher pain tolerance level than men, then domestic violence and abuse against women, plus children too, would not be so strongly opposed and advocated against by feminists. Feminists would be strongly opposing and fighting against domestic violence and abuse of men and children.

Lisa asks…

How high is your pain tolerance…?

And when you are in pain, do you usually tell people about it or just tough it out?

admin answers:

It matters if the pain was gradually coming on, or it’s just a shock and its all at once. I’ve been on morphine before, thats when the pain was so horrible, it was hard to not just scream out or start kicking.
I’ve had a spinal tap, and those headaches are the worst headache you can ever have! Plus it doesn’t help the med student who tried to do it on me, pinched a nerve, lucky i wasn’t paralyzed.

Sometimes i get electric shocks in and out of my arms, it can be painful, but i’ve learned to try and ignore it.

When i was extremely ill i would tell people of the pain, plus it was hard not to realize i was in pain. Now i just shrug it off, unless i need to go to the ER.

Lizzie asks…

Do pitbulls have a higher pain tolerance?

admin answers:

Compared to what or who and in what circumstances? They certainly are “game” (if properly bred) and will not back down from a fight even when in serious pain, but many are huge babies if you nick their quick while cutting nails. Their tolerance when doing what they were bred to do is not that much greater than the pain tolerance of a working-bred Alaskan Husky (who have finished sprint races with both wrists fractured and not even a wimper or missed stride to let the musher know) or a dozen other breeds when doing what they were born and bred and trained to do. It is simply that our perception of the pain that the Pit Bull (two words) is experiencing is greater, we see the blood, etc, in a way that we don’t see the Labrador’s sore joints or the Greyhound’s ACL injury or the thorns in the Foxhound’s paws.

Richard asks…

Do I have a high pain tolerance ?

People are always talking about pain tolerance but I don’t know if mines high or not … How wold I know ? I got my Tragus pieced and it was sort of sore but not to bad 🙂 like it was bare able … I really want an industrial piercing would I be able for it? :/

admin answers:

A high pain tolerance isn’t something we are born with. If you are familiar with a procedure you are less stressful so it hurts less. The more calm you are the less the pain.

I love piercings and done lots of them and for me this little pain is enjoyable. So it really depends on the person.

So best thing to do it to learn everything about the piercing you want to get. About the piercing itself, aftercare, jewelry, how to treat infections and chose a professional piercer. Helps if you find a piercer you trust and have all your piercing done by him/her.

Industrial piericngs tend to get infected more often and they are hard to heal. Do it if you really really want it, but it’s unlikely it’s going to be easy.

Gluck, hope it works great.

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