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Your Questions About Chinese Symbol For Family And Strength

Joseph asks…

Chinese Animal symbols?

So i’m trying to find animals which represent these things:


If you know which animals do represent them I would much appreciate it if you could list them down. Thank you

admin answers:

Love = phoenix and dragon represents love, mandarin ducks also represents love

Strength = Tiger or dragon, though if you put the tiger and dragon together it represents war

Family = I don’t know… Maybe mandarin ducks since they mate for life. Maybe dove or pigion

Hope = Swallow or goldfish or rabbit

Believe = sorry I’m drawing a blank for this one

Peace = Kingfisher
you may find this page helpful:

Sharon asks…

Creepy Thing in Picture?

Brief history: a relative or two in my family has messed with black magic/voodoo/ouija board, etc…..my house has a history of weird things happening, basically a picture was taken (i havnt seen it yet) which is described as a wolf’s body with an owl’s face along with human hands. i need to know if that is demonic/ghostly….if anyone knows if this is related to anything bad…or has an idea of what it is would be greatly appreciated.

admin answers:

The symbolism about the wolf is:
•Egyptian: In Egyptian Mythology, the wolf was a symbol of Wepwawet a war deity. His name means, opener of the ways. The wolf was seen as a scout, going out to clear routes for the army to proceed forward and later as an opener of the path to victory. Eventually, wolf also became associated with death and an opener of the underworld.
•Celtic: Two wolves drive the time as they chase the sun and moon. Their image accompanied many clans as a symbol of strength and victory. The great wolf Fenrir is the harbinger of Armageddon.
•Greek/Roman: In Greek and Roman mythology the wolf symbol and meaning is associated with the Gods of war, Ares/Mars. The wolf was also seen as the Great Goddess or Mother and many Greek and Roman heroes claim wolves as their ancestors.
•Chinese: The Chinese saw the wolf as a guardian of the heavenly palace.
•Christian: Early Biblical sources represented the wolf as destructive and associated with the evening (Jeremiah 5:6, and dishonest gain, bloodshed and destruction (Ezekiel 22:27, The Holy Bible). However, when the wolf and lamb were depicted lying down even though they were considered traditional enemies, together they represented peace and the coming Messianic rule (Isaiah 65:25 The Holy Bible).
The Symbolism of the Owl
Middle and Far East
In some middle and far eastern cultures, the owl is a sacred guardian of the afterlife, ruler of the night, a seer and keeper of souls transitioning from one plane of existence to another.

Ancient Greece
The ancient Greeks attributed the owl to Athena, goddess of wisdom and foresight. This symbol was used on Greek coins and therefore also became associated with wealth.

Native Americans attributed owls with wisdom and sacred knowledge. The shaman would call upon Owl medicine for insight into the truth of ill-intent. Plains Indians wore owl feathers to protect against evil spirits.

West African and Aboriginal Australian cultures also saw the owl as a messenger of secrets, and companions to medicine people.

During medieval times in Europe, owls were believed to be witches and wizards, shapeshifters in disguise.

Summary of Owl Attributes
The owl is still considered a witch’s companion, sharing unique spiritual communication between them, and even sharing the same attributes.

Many cultures have associated the following attributes to the owl:

intelligence, brilliance, wisdom, power, knowledge
intuition, messages, mysticism, mystery.

Lizzie asks…

Coy Turns Into Dragon Chinese Story???

I am looking for the story of the Coy fish that swims up stream and becomes a dragon i believe, if anyone can tell me a website or at least what the story is called it would be appreciated greatly.
Serious Inquiry

admin answers:

Koi (Carp)

Koi is a symbol of the strength, courage and patience. According to Chinese legend, a carp which courageously climbed up waterfalls was turned into a dragon. “Koi no takinobori (Koi’s waterfall climbing)” means, “to succeed vigorously in life.” On Children’s Day (May 5th), families with boys fly koinobori (carp streamers) outside, and wish for boys to grow strong and brave like carp. “Manaita no ue no koi (A carp on the cutting board)” refers to the situation that is doomed, or to be left to one’s fate.

Here is another site which may help you further, I hope =}


Chris asks…

what are tales or meanings related to this fish? http://images.google.co.id/imgres?imgurl=http://www.lotus101.

i dont know the fish name in english but i have the image


i would like to know if this fish is related with a tale in somewhere in the world, if there is any from indonesia its the most wanted but if not it can be from anywhere. thank you.

and what is the symbol of this fish related most ? especially in china

admin answers:

It is an Arowana.

“In Chinese culture, the dragon represents good luck, strength and power. Especially in the Southern region of China, people believes that a dragon can ward off evil and brings good luck.

Dragon is a significant icon in Chinese and other Asian cultures. During Chinese New Year and other auspicious occasion, people celebrate with Dragon dancing and if you are born in the Year of the Dragon, you are considered to give you a head start in life. The Arowana, also known as the Dragon fish because of its slender body and its distinct and reflective scales makes it resemble the mythical and mighty dragon.

Business man started keeping the Arowana, especially the Asian Arowana to maintain a properous and growing business. Geomancer often would encourage their clients to keep a Blood Red Arowana at home or office to bring good luck and ward off evil.

These are the few of the many reasons why people keep Arowana:

1. Incarnation of the mythical dragon
2. Brings Health, Happiness and Good Luck
3. Cast out evil
4. Uphold Families Togetherness
5. Vital to Business Success
6. Predicts Business Affairs”

this is the second part of the artice I just gave you.

William asks…

a cat-like helpful monster, what does it mean?

I dreamed about a monster who looked like a cat.

This monster is a friendly monster, it has a body similar to Big Foot and its head is the same as a cat’s head. It can talk and it helps people… well… it helped this particular family in my dream… my family.

I was with my grandmother, grandfather, and my aunt when we visited a relative who is a chinese. We are riding in a van and I was sitting at the back seat.

We were in a highway then we went down and we crossed and stopped by into a football field. They have been talking about James’ team and I thought that James couldn’t be there… I waited at the back seat until the van drove again.

We reached our relative’s house, they are chinese… they are discriminating my family. At first I was patient but then I lost my temper and shouted at everyone there, “I don’t care if you accept us or not! I accept my family and I love my family as who they are! We don’t need you! We can do good on our own!”

Chaos started when the eldest chinese relative has been attached by bad people, then the cat-like monster appeared and helped us to defeat the evil people… the chinese relatives felt ashamed of themselves for discriminating my family. By that they made a shrine for the cat-like monster, a shrine for me… another shrine for one of our chinese relative… a shrine for my aunt, grandmother and grandfather.

Centuries pass and I still see the shrine in front of a school… I believe it’s a state university. It was odd because I used a time machine to travel and see if the shrine would last for a lifetime.

admin answers:

The Cat Monster is yourself, Kiss.

The cat represents both your strength and your anger. It is a symbol of your desire to make things right for your family and to be the one to rescue those you love. It also embodies your anger and the desire to be in control and then to be honored.

By “projecting” these qualities outward onto an imaginary creature, the dream allows you to release your anger and rage against those relatives while not experiencing the guilt or blame for disrespectful, impolite or unladylike behavior. Qualities such as power, strength, passion for justice and so on tend to be viewed as masculine. In the West, women who express such qualities are accused of being “catty” or “bitchy.” Your dream solves this problem by locating your power and anger outside yourself, in the Cat Monster.

BTW, it is not a coincidence that your profile name is kiSS, and one of the members of the band KISS is a cat monster.

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