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Your Questions About Essay Question Instructions

Jenny asks…

what does it mean to use concrete detail in essay to tell an event?

i”m writing a reflective essay and the instructions say to begin with something concrete and tell the story in concrete, what does that mean?

admin answers:

Concrete detail in subject writing simply means avoiding generalities so that a reader can better visualize or understand your meaning.

For instance, you could write “He got out of his car and went into the house.” Using concrete detail you might write instead, “The tired elderly businessman eased himself wearily out of his dusty blue car and plodded up the grey concrete steps leading to his front door, where he extracted his keys from his briefcase and let himself into the house with a sigh of relief at the welcome coolness inside.”

Adding this sort of detail brings the writing alive for the reader and enables them to picture the events more vividly.

Michael asks…

What does a formal typed project look like?

I have to write this Socials essay but the instructions aren’t that clear to me. These are the exact words: “Compile your completed into formal typed project.” I already did my research but I don’t get what it means by formal project. This is the first time I saw it.
By the way I don’t know how this works because the criteria says I need answers to questions, diagrams, and illustrations.

admin answers:

What your teacher is probably referring to is simply typing out the project according to a format he has given you.

If this is an essay one example of a format is:
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
Body Paragraph 3

As LJ mentioned above, proper grammar and MLA format is an important aspect of a formal project. =)

Carol asks…

What is a possible future economic crisis that I can write an essay about?

I have an essay that’s instruction is this :

“Identify a challenge that economic policy makers are likely to face in the coming years and discuss how you think they should meet the challenge.” ( US)

Does anybody have any ideas?

admin answers:

I think you should write about housing again. As of now it has not yet recovered and we are seeing more and more commercial buildings vacant as well. Although, the student loans one is an interesting idea.

Here is how one student approached this:


Sandy asks…

What are good cause and effect topics for a 5 paragraph essay?

In English class (6th grade) we were assigned a 5 paragraph cause and effect essay. I need to find a topic by tomorrow. Any suggestions?

admin answers:


Cause And Effect Essay: Divorce

Choose one of the following topics and write a cause and effect essay. The details should be clear and specific. You must include an outline when you hand in your essay. The outline must be in the format that has been taught by your instructor.


1) Your essay should not be longer than 750 words in length.
2) Type your outline and essay using Tahoma font, 12 pt., and spaced at 1.5 between lines. Remember to include page numbers.
3) You are encouraged to cite works from experts. You should include at least 4 different quotations or paraphrase from six outside sources/references(newspaper, journal, book, etc.). Three references will be provided. It is preferable that the APA format be used for citation and referencing.
4) Deadline: Week 9(confirm the date with your instructor)…

You can get more info here:

Sharon asks…

How do you explain changing majors after graduating on a college essay?

i’m changing majors, because i realize this career path is not for me.

how would you go about explaining this to a college essay? I can easily talk about my pros and cons of thinking this way, but wouldn’t the college only assume that I would just do it again?

admin answers:

Most students change their majors once or twice and colleges are used to that. Do not mention your previous majors unless it is necessary to do so to answer the essay instructions.

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