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Your Questions About Symbols For Family Strength

Sandy asks…

What do you think of my story for English Class?

I woke up in a unbelievably uncomfortable bed with no idea were I was or where my parents were. I slowly started to make my way out of bed when a throbbing pain at the back of my head forced me to sit back down.
“Be carful, your not back to your full strength yet,” said a older man standing behind me.
He was in fairly good shape for a man of his age. He was dark skinned, bald and had a beard down to the middle of his chest. His eyes were dark blue bordering on black and had a gaze that would make you stop whatever you were doing and listen to him.
“Who are you I ask?” I ask the bald man.
He hesitates for quite some time, in which he would do nothing but stare at me wondering where I had come from.
“How about you answer my questions first okay,” He said and without even waiting for an answer he said “what’s your name, boy.”
“Alex, Alex Minei. Now tell me where am I.”
“The Young Angels Orphanage.”
“I’m sorry, I might not have heard you correctly did you say orphanage?”
“Are you deaf boy?”
“Then you know exactly what I said.”
I looked at the man with disgust. Is this how he treats everybody? Even though this is the first time I have ever seen this man, the more he talked the more I disliked him.
He strode around the room confidently, eyeing me once in a while. He came to a big sofa at the side of the room and laid down on in. The man turned his head around to stare at me as if there was a question I was supposed ask, but didn’t.
We stayed like this for a few moments before I asked “Can you take me home to my parents?”
“Alex,” I interrupted
“Alright then Alex. You don’t have a home that’s why your here.”
“Ok, then bring me to where ever my parents are staying. I can’t wait to see them.”
“Alex, what don’t you understand about the word orphan? Your parents are gone! We found you in what was left of your house lying in a pool of blood with your head bashed open and burn marks all over your skin. When we took you to a hospital they said that you were in a coma. You staying in the hospital for three months before you woke up. While you were still in coma. Your parents had disappeared without a trace. The police were looking for them for the majority of the three months. Finally they gave up and they pronounced them dead. They read their will to the rest of their surviving family. Some of them received some antique jewels, but the majority left without anything. Your parents left you two things, all their funds and a letter,” the old man pulled out a sheet of paper folded in thirds with my name printed on the back.
I was too shocked to even look shocked, much less reach out to take a letter that was the only thing left on this planet that reminded me for my parents.
“W-w-what happened to the house?” I stuttered.
“It was burned down by whoever attacked you and your parents. Now, can you please take this letter out of my hand. I can’t hold it forever you know!” The man exclaimed.
I reached out and ripped the letter from his hand. Popped the seal open and started to read.


Look at the V-Man by L.D.V, the symbol of humanity. 4FT, 4HA, 1HD. Follow the ONE. Let north, south, east and west be your guide, to the city of KN.

P.S. Locate epic of G. the original in closet one.”

“This isn’t a letter at all, it’s a bunch of gibberish that no one can understand. It’s more like a riddle then a letter at all!” I yell now furious and I storm out of the room.

My idea is that at the beginning of time when the earth was created a different race controlled this planet. Us, the humans came form a distant planet in search of a new planet to inhabit. When the original humans came to the earth they fought a war between the original race and own. The humans banished the race from the planet except for one who fount with them to banish the rest of the race. He foretold that the original race would come back to re-obtain this planet and of a boy of 17 named Alex who would have the power to destroy the human race or save them for the race and his parents some how knew about this and left him riddles to find the one of the original race to help him.

admin answers:

It seems pretty good to me. However, your explanation leads me to think that this scene could be made shorter, as it’s well-written but doesn’t get to the story-line you describe. (It actually reminded me of Kidnapped by Robert Louis Stevenson – but that’s a novel and RLS had a lot of time to ‘get to the chase’

……..one bit I saw needs amending (He hesitates for quite some time, in which he would do nothing but stare at me wondering where I had come from) if you are the speaker of this story – then you cannot know what the man is thinking (see what I mean?) You could say ‘He hesitates for a while, staring at me, AS IF he is wondering where I come from’
The only other mistake I found was that you use ‘your’ when you mean ‘you’re – you are.
….“Alright then Alex. You don’t have a home that’s why YOU’RE here.” check it out.

Lisa asks…

Pro-lifers don’t care about life….don’t you agree?


They are nothing but hypocritical when they call themselves pro lifers. They say they are for life, yet don’t want to promote teaching teens about life and birth control. They don’t want to supply them with birth control and preach abstinence only, yet every day thousands of babies are born to young teens and the pro-lifers turn a blind eye. The second those embryos they had so righteously defended are born and are actual living breathing human beings on our planet, they completely ignore them. They don’t care about the children, they care about the symbol of children and a scripture. They are against social programs, welfare programs, increase in the educational system, and universal healthcare. Any programs that help the unfortunate children survive after they are actually born. They are against rehabilitation programs that help those who took the wrong path due to being brought up in a poor stricken community, or a one parent family in which the father left and the mother wasn’t around because she had to work 3 jobs to pay for bills and gas but had the strength to still have her child. They want to prevent science to learn and prevent those embryos from being born with horrible diseases. They don’t care about the kid who lives his life in a wheel chair unable to move, they are against stem cell research or any of its kind. They don’t care about the actual living here on this planet. They are defending the symbolism of a doctrine created thousand of years ago by a cult. They want to ignore the fact that these children are born unto a horrible environment then don’t want to acknowledge them or help them when something goes wrong. Many of these children become adults and commit crimes and they are against the rehabilitation that may help them. They are against any program or service that may help prevent future crimes or drug use. No they want to lock them all away and throw away the key on those same embryos they fought so hard for to be born. They are against any type of service that acts rather then reacts. Any service that helps or aids those who show they are trying but just need some help to get back on their feet. The most hypocritical aspect of all this, is that those same Pro- lifers are the first one in line smiling away when we put to death a man on death row. That same Embryo they fought so hard for…… they want put to death. That my friend is the irony of all this. If these right wing wackos would help the actual breathing living human beings on our planet, I’m sure more of us would have a anti-abortion stance but until then it’s a right and until the day pro lifers/Religious nuts/Republicans treat the planet and human beings as if they really cared then maybe we wouldn’t have this pro life vs pro choice dilemma.

I’m sorry to all you knuckledraggers my description was to long. I understand you cannot read more then 2 sentences without getting confused.

(Hey look a paragraph)

Bite me
I personally would be all for outlawing abortions, but only if you right wing wackos would stay consistent and show love for all children and not just your own personal litter.

admin answers:

Semantics hun.

“Pro-life” is a term to describe people who are anti abortion

Just like “pro-choice” doesnt mean that you think people can make whatever choice they want (like you can have the choice to bomb a country)

You are using the wrong arguement.
The pro-life position is that we believe life begins at conception. Pro-choicers believe that life begins at birth. There’s the difference.

Helen asks…

How is my the beginning of my story?

The Beginning

It is midnight, and Lyra wakes from a shadow slumber.
“LET ME OUT!” she screams, pulling at her chains, trying to break free.
“QUIET DOWN, DEMON CHILD!” yelled the guard, banging at the iron door that separates them.

It has been over 6 years since she has been outside of this prison cell. She hasn’t seen her family since the day she was imprisoned. It was so long ago, she doesn’t remember what she, herself looked like.

6 years and 5 days ago.
Lyra and her twin brother, Cyprus, were playing outside, with their father watching from the shadows, oblivious to his presence. They knew who their father was, but he never visit them. He only watched over them.

“Lyra, can you come inside for me, dear?” called their mother.
“I don’t like it when mother calls me inside when Grandfather is here.” She whispered to her brother.
“Come on Ly, they won’t hurt you.” said her brother, helping his littler sister up.
“While that is easy for you to say, Cy. You don’t look like dad. You look like mom and the rest of the archangels.”
“Sure you do. You have the wings, and you have powers. So you are set.”
“Funny. I have black angel wings and I control all the powers of destruction. You, Cyprus control the powers of life.” She said refusing to use her wings, as her brother flew ahead of her.
Before Lyra enters the house, she looks to the shadows, in the direction of her father. She knew he was there. She then touches his medallion, in which hung around her neck. It was her father’s resistance clan symbol. Her father was against the Archangel Government, an organization who imprisoned all who were the controllers of the disastrous elements. He knew something was wrong.

As she entered the room, she had noticed her brother who was sitting next to her grandfather, Kent McMullen, the leader of the Archangel Government. Then she sees five others, whom she didn’t recognize. They were guards for her grandfather.

“Lyra, my dear, please sit down” he said calmly, staring at her.
So Lyra decided to sit down next to her mother, and the door. As she looked at the guards, they turned away at the mere sight of her eyes. Her eyes were ,in which were extremely rare, even for the demon – human hybrid race, or any other hybrid race for that matter. She had the eyes of a

“Lyra, sweetie, your grandfather has decided to have us go and live with him at his house.” said her mother, trying not to make contact with her eyes.
“But I like it here.”
“Well it is for the best.”
“No, I don’t want to go!!!” she screamed, standing up, and began to move to the door.

As she headed for the door, two of the guards that stood by the door reacted. They grabbed Lyra by her arms. Then Lyra began to scream and tried to break out of the guards’ grip.

“Be careful with her!!” yelled her brother, trying to intervene, but he was stopped by his grandfather.
“No, Cyprus. They know what to do.” Said Kent, as he rested his hand on Cyprus’ shoulder.

Lyra began to thrash around, kicking and screaming. Outside, their father heard the commotion. He knew he had to intervene. So, he ran, from the safety of the shadow, to the screams of his helpless daughter. Then one of the guards pulled out a syringe, and injected the green serum into Lyra’s neck. She screamed in pain. She had no choice, but to fight back with her powers. She used all the strength she had left, and unleashed an fiery pulse trough the floor. The pulse the guard that injected her, and burned him to ashes. The second guard, who held her, flew up and avoided the pulse, and pulled out his sword, ready to slice Lyra. As he landed behind her, he drew back his arm, ready his arm, and swung, but stooped inches away from Lyra. Then the guard fell to the floor. Lyra’s father appeared, standing behind the fallen guard, blood on his sword.

“Chase!” screamed Lyra’s mother, with anger and fear in her voice.
“Step away from my son.” said Chase, with venom and hatred in his voice.
“Seize him!!!” yelled, Kent holding on to Cyprus.
The rest of the guards began to surround Lyra and her father, as she inches away from him, recovering from the fiery energy pulse she had unleashed. Then the guards began to attack them.
“Lyra, get behind me.” he said, as he stood in front of her.
So she quickly crawled behind her dad, the only spot she felt safe. Then the guards attacked. Two at a time, each one swung their swords. Her father was able to counter each one, but they had a strategy to separate them from each other. Them one guard on the right swung his sword, striking her father across the chest. He screamed in agony, as he stumbled backwards, looking down at his chest. The four guards attacked him at once, tackling him to the ground. He tried to break free, but he couldn’t. Lyra had seen her father on the ground, and noticed that one of the guards retrieved a sword, and was going to kill her father.

“DADDY!!!” she yelled, and after that, everything got worse.

admin answers:

You need to perfect your craft.
Polish, polish, polish.
As my mentor Michael Crichton always used to say, “Books aren’t written – they’re rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn’t quite done it.” Here’s a technique some authors use:
1. Lock the book away in a drawe for six months and don ;t look at it. As tempting as it may be- don;t look at it. Begin writing your second book. At the end of six months- take the book out, read it and you will see all the mistakes you made, what works, what doesn’t work. Then, having written a second book, rewrite the first book again and again until you get it where you want it. The have someone else read it whose opinion matters to you. Then rewrite it again.
2. Some authors write the ending first, then the middle and the beginning last. Try that. See if it works for you.
Good luck and you must always keep perfecting your craft no matter how successful you become. You’re only as good as your last book.
Kilburn Hall
American Author

Michael asks…

I’m trying to think of a good story idea?

My idea is that at the beginning of time when the earth was created a different race controlled this planet. Us, the humans came form a distant planet in search of a new planet to inhabit. When the original humans came to the earth they fought a war between the original race and own. The humans banished the race from the planet except for one who fount with them to banish the rest of the race. He foretold that the original race would come back to re-obtain this planet and of a boy of 17 named Alex who would have the power to destroy the human race or save them for the race and his parents some how knew about this and left him riddles to find the one of the original race to help him.

Here is a Sample from that story:

I woke up in a unbelievably uncomfortable bed with no idea were I was or where my parents were. I slowly started to make my way out of bed when a throbbing pain at the back of my head forced me to sit back down.
“Be carful, your not back to your full strength yet,” said a older man standing behind me.
He was in fairly good shape for a man of his age. He was dark skinned, bald and had a beard down to the middle of his chest. His eyes were dark blue bordering on black and had a gaze that would make you stop whatever you were doing and listen to him.
“Who are you I ask?” I ask the bald man.
He hesitates for quite some time, in which he would do nothing but stare at me wondering where I had come from.
“How about you answer my questions first okay,” He said and without even waiting for an answer he said “what’s your name, boy.”
“Alex, Alex Minei. Now tell me where am I.”
“The Young Angels Orphanage.”
“I’m sorry, I might not have heard you correctly did you say orphanage?”
“Are you deaf boy?”
“Then you know exactly what I said.”
I looked at the man with disgust. Is this how he treats everybody? Even though this is the first time I have ever seen this man, the more he talked the more I disliked him.
He strode around the room confidently, eyeing me once in a while. He came to a big sofa at the side of the room and laid down on in. The man turned his head around to stare at me as if there was a question I was supposed ask, but didn’t.
We stayed like this for a few moments before I asked “Can you take me home to my parents?”
“Alex,” I interrupted
“Alright then Alex. You don’t have a home that’s why your here.”
“Ok, then bring me to where ever my parents are staying. I can’t wait to see them.”
“Alex, what don’t you understand about the word orphan? Your parents are gone! We found you in what was left of your house lying in a pool of blood with your head bashed open and burn marks all over your skin. When we took you to a hospital they said that you were in a coma. You staying in the hospital for three months before you woke up. While you were still in coma. Your parents had disappeared without a trace. The police were looking for them for the majority of the three months. Finally they gave up and they pronounced them dead. They read their will to the rest of their surviving family. Some of them received some antique jewels, but the majority left without anything. Your parents left you two things, all their funds and a letter,” the old man pulled out a sheet of paper folded in thirds with my name printed on the back.
I was too shocked to even look shocked, much less reach out to take a letter that was the only thing left on this planet that reminded me for my parents.
“W-w-what happened to the house?” I stuttered.
“It was burned down by whoever attacked you and your parents. Now, can you please take this letter out of my hand. I can’t hold it forever you know!” The man exclaimed.
I reached out and ripped the letter from his hand. Popped the seal open and started to read.


Look at the V-Man by L.D.V, the symbol of humanity. 4FT, 4HA, 1HD. Follow the ONE. Let north, south, east and west be your guide, to the city of KN.

P.S. Locate epic of G. the original in closet one.”
Plus Did you like the riddle in the end. It is supposed to make you want to know what his parents meant when they left him this note

admin answers:

I know it’s just a sample, but you have a few spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes.

I’ll just quote a few things:
“said a older man” (by the way, it’s supposed to be AN older man)
“I ask the bald man.”
“He said”
“I asked”
“I interrupted”
“I stuttered.”
“The man exclaimed.”

Did you notice something? NONE of them have adjectives (ex. She QUIETLY murmured one word that broke my heart: “Go.” / He said IMPATIENTLY.).

I like it when those parts have adjectives, it helps me think of how the character is feeling, you know?

Okay, so I noticed that the ‘he said,’ kind of things always are at the end. It can also be in the middle or beginning of the sentence.

~At the end (your version):
“Alex, Alex Minei. Now tell me where am I.” (You need a question mark.)
He took a deep breath, a bit annoyed with the man’s behavior, “Alex, Alex Minei. Now, tell me where I am.”
“Alex, Alex Minei,” Alex introduced himself while looking around the room. “Now, tell me, where am I?”

It’s not bad to mix it up a bit, you know xD.
Hm… Personally, I would’ve liked it if you made the man keep part of the story a secret. As in, the man only told Alex that he was in a coma for a while and his parents disappeared for unknown reasons. But then, Alex believes that the man was hiding something.

But then again, I probably have peculiar tastes in reading.

Wait- how is Alex feeling? I know his parents ‘died’ (as in the police announced that they did, mainly because they gave up), but isn’t he feeling kind of… Sad?

Nice touch with the riddle. True, it does make me wonder.

(I’ve read too many stories about orphans today. O_o. I guess that must be popular.)
(P.S. What’s the man’s name? XD.)

Sandra asks…

Help with my sentences for literary terminology?

Okay so, I had to take parts from a story, and now figure out the literary terminology( Romanticism, characterization, cliche, metaphor, symbol, naturalism, etc. )

Here are the sentences I chose, if one is not literary terminology please tell me so? And help me with the rest? And tell me if i’m right or wrong? Please and thank you. 10pts most help.

“She was young, with a fair calm face whose lines bespoke repression and even certain strength” Characterization

“Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble..” I want to put foreshadowing for this one, but…is that one of the literary terminology? This is the opening sentence of the book, and in the end she dies.

“The notes of a distant song which someone was singing reached her family, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves”

“Her fancy was running a riot along those days ahead of her”

“There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully”

“When she abandoned herself, a little whisoered word escaped her slightly parted lips, she said it over and over under her breath: ‘free, free, free!'”
Whispered* oops.

admin answers:

You were doing all right, but I don’t know what the last four sentences (paragraphs) were meant to exemplify.

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