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Your Questions About How Do You Know If You Have High Pain Tolerance

Michael asks…

why do i have a really high tolerance to pain?

i could walk past a fence that had a nail in it and scratch my arm and hardly feel it, or i could slam my hand in the fridge on purpose to test and i can hardly feel it, the only serious pain i can feel is in my head when i get a little depressed… but i want to know why i have a high tolerance of pain? any thoughts?
i was always bullied and hit as a kid, so im guessing it’s No.1.

admin answers:

I’m no expert but I have two suggestions:
1. From an early age you might’ve always gotten hurt/being in pain so you’ve gotten use to pain, my eight year old sister very rarely gets hurt, she tripped over on the carpet (which wasn’t an hard landing) and absolutely screamed and cried. My five year old cousin fell off the back of a sofa onto the hard floor, I rushed over to her thinking she was in pain and needed to go hospital but she was fine, infact she laughed. She’s always getting hurt so she’s use to it.
Or 2. Your nerves in your body might be very weak, my friend was in a car accident and her spine was slightly disfigured so her nerve endings are weird, she can still feel but it’s not where near as bad. (Just like the main guy in the film ‘Kick Ass’)
If it’s worrying you that bad, i’d suggest talking to your doctor about it.
I hope i’ve somewhat helped.

Lisa asks…

Do you have a high pain tolerance?

admin answers:


i hate fighting and i am not tough so..thats like 70% of pain.

Yes in the sense that

for one blood test/needles don;’t hurt me it’s quite pleasent now. It shows that i am alive it’s cool for a change of pace seeing new things.


I like parkour. I have made some nasty falls. Got back up no pain just tiny little bruises. But these were really bad high velocity/speed falls(not like sky diving obviously but like running full speed jumping from 3-5 feet altitude) it’s a potent combo. Other people could imagine being a little pissed about it. But i have had worse.

My spine being nearly crushed from being so fat at one point. My dad beating me in front of hundreds of strangers. My brother being the talented boxer he is knuckles like diamonds…NUFF SAID…

I had say it’s 50 50 depends on the nature of the task at hand/the pain. Etc.

David asks…

Wouldn’t “high tolerance for pain” mean?

Wouldn’t high tolerance for pain mean that a person who broke a bone (for example) would rate their pain at a lower number i.e 4, while someone with a low tolerance for pain would rate it as a 8?

I hear people saying they havehigh tolerance‘ but then they say they need strong pain killers and it seems backwards to me.

Also, how is Dilaudid pronounced? I’ve been wondering. My guess would be Dil (like the pickle) U (you) did.

admin answers:

It means that you can tolerance larger amount of pain. If someone with a high pain tolerance, and someone with a low pain tolerance both slice open their arm, it will have the same level of pain, but the person with the lower tolerance can’t deal as well, and thinks the pain is equal to snapping their leg, unlike the high pain tolerance person, who will not think that much pain is bad, and more compared to a sliver.

Laura asks…

Isn’t it true that women have a higher pain tolerance?

Does that count for emotional pain as well?
I’m talking about childbirth, and (physical) pain women go through…. SMH Men can’t have children, so can we go over the question again, Starfish?

admin answers:

I think women would have a higher pain tolerance. This was tested on mythbusters a while ago and it turned out that women do. I know my fiancee she has a higher pain tolerance then I do but yeah. Not saying I cant take a lot of pain because I have had my appendix ruputure and that hurt like hell.

Helen asks…

Why do women have higher pain tolerance then men?

YES, I know it’s a silly issue but I’ve read it several times tonight – that women have higher pain tolerance since women give birth and have periods. Seemed interesting to me but I had to check.

One simple search engine query(pain tolerance sex) resolved my dilemmas:

“The laboratory research seems to indicate that for many kinds — but not all kinds — of stimuli, women have a lower tolerance for pain,” says Linda LeResche, ScD, a professor of oral medicine at the University of Washington, in Seattle.
Laboratory studies show a clear difference in pain tolerance levels between men and women. When healthy men and women are subjected to heat and other types of pain tests, women almost always report feeling discomfort first.
“The laboratory studies show rather convincingly that women have a lower pain threshold and pain tolerance than men. That has been fairly consistently shown in the experimental studies that have been done.”

The results showed that, on the average, a) pain tolerance decreases with age; b) men tolerate more pain than women; and c) Whites tolerate more pain than Orientals, while Blacks occupy an intermediate position

Sex differences in pain perception have been noted in multiple studies, with women typically displaying lower pain tolerance than men, but it is unknown whether the mechanisms underlying these differences are hormonal, genetic or psychosocial in origin

Research shows that difference in sex/gender influence pain perception, where women usually display lower pain tolerance than men

So why is this myth prevalent as I’ve heard it several times in real life, especially from pregnant women? Why do women like to be seen as tougher then men?
I’ve phrased the question badly: it should of asked: Why do women THINK THEY have higher pain tolerance then men?
@M-Just M
Do you believe that there is some evolutionary explanation why women have lower pain tolerance, or maybe it would be better to say – why men have higher pain tolerance, since it’s probably the case that women have “normal” pain tolerance but men’s tolerance increased through evolution? Why would that be the case?
This study I’ve already mentioned is pretty good ( http://www.unethical-studies.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/2010-06-29-Woodrow-548.pdf )
They’ve tested different kinds of stimuli and the number of subjects is huge – over 40k. So you can read it if you‘re interested in the subject.
I did read it, you can also if you want.
It states some differences depending on stimuli but also all state that there is an overall pain tolerance difference between sexes.

admin answers:

How are they defining pain tolerance? Women and men react differently to pain, so it depends on how and what is being measured. For example, women get weepy with heat and humidity/stress and men get aggressive.

Your first sentence says it depends on the stimuli whether women or whether men have the higher pain tolerance. Lots of generalizations here.

Why do you care if women are strong in some areas?

Edit: You did not read your own sources. The conclusions are not that women are less tolerant to pain than men. It says there are differences.

Women will seek medical help 99% sooner and more often than men. Is this weakness or wisdom?

Most women notice that not only must they be strong during our periods and childbearing, many husbands/partners will suddenly become ill right when we need some help during our periods or dealing with children. When asked to wash dishes, their arms fall off. So usually we end up not only taking care of ourselves but men as well.

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