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Your Questions About Health Symbol Tattoo

Mary asks…

What tattoo could i have that symbolises health?

I want a tattoo that symbolises health as a lot of my family have illnesses. However I don’t want just a Chinese symbol. I want it to be quite feminine. Does anyone have any ideas?

admin answers:

It’s really funny coming onto this site and hearing you little kiddies make up such obtuse reasons to get a tattoo so it has “meaning”

If you want a tattoo then get a tattoo and quit trying to justify it by trying to attach some deep meaning to it. . .

Joseph asks…

Should i get a tattoo on my wrist if I want to become a teacher?

I haven’t gone to school yet, but I’m gonna be starting college in the fall of 09 to become an elementary school teacher. I was wondering if anyone knew if getting a tattoo on my wrist could ruin my chances to be a teacher. I just want a small tattoo of the symbol LOVE in chinese or Kenji. If not I can always get it somewhere besides my wrist, but I really wanted it there.

admin answers:

If I were hiring you, I would say go for it, but we know how employers are don’t we. Also, The parents may not be too cool with it since it is elementary aged kids. I would get the tattoo in a place that could be hidden. I know it sucks that people still discriminate against the tatts and piercings. My husband works in the Wall-Mart bakery. He had a small hoop in hes left ear and had to end up getting a labret stud for health reasons. You can’t even have a tiny nose stud which I think is rediculous. But you can show tatts as long as their not offensive, WTF? But if it’s something you really want, get it in a special place you can hide it.

Susan asks…

Do you think a 16 year getting a tattoo is wrong?

I want to get a tattoo in memory of my dad on my sixteenth birthday do you think this is a good idea?

admin answers:

Yes, I do. Not only can tattoos create obstacles in a person’s career, but many come to regret their tattoo and are embarrassed or even ashamed of what they’ve done. Then there are the many health risks.

In addition, the Bible makes it clear that God’s servants should not get tattoos: “You must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves.” (Leviticus 19:28) Although Christians are not under the Mosaic Law today, it is sobering to take to note of God’s command to his ancient people. (Ephesians 2:15; Colossians 2:14, 15) The reason why he didn’t want them to have tattoos is because pagan worshipers, such as the Egyptians, tattooed the names or symbols of their deities on their breast or arms. By complying with Jehovah’s ban on tattoo markings, the Israelites would stand out as different from other nations. (Deuteronomy 14:1, 2).

I know that most of the other answerers will just say that it’s not a big deal and tattoos are beautiful, but they don’t understand all of what is involved. I’m sure that you love your father dearly and miss him, but a tattoo is not the way.

Laura asks…

Would this tattoo be a good tattoo to get as a quote?

I sacrifice my health in order to make money.
Then I sacrifice money to recuperate my health.
And then I am so anxious about the future that I do not enjoy the present;
the result being that I do not live in the present or the future;
I live as if I am never going to die, and then die having never really lived.

admin answers:

The thing about script tattoos is that the letters have to be big enough to read. That means between half an inch to an inch tall each letter. This tattoo would take up your whole back. Or you can get it done smaller and in 20 years it will be one big ink blob. Its a good quote, though. Maybe design a symbol that reminds you of the quote. Its like a circle, so maybe a snake in the form of a circle, or something like that. Whatever you decide I wish you the best of luck!

Richard asks…

What is my celtic astrology sign?

I’ve been getting into my Irish roots lately and am fascinated with celtic astrology, however, as I’ve been searching for my tree I’ve been getting everything from Poplar, to Hawthorne, to Willow… so I really need help on this one because I’m planning on getting the symbol for my tree tattooed on the back of my hand. If you could maybe specify the symbol too that would be great because I’ve seen different examples for the symbols too. My B-day is May 8th by the way.

admin answers:

In general, Willow individuals are basically articulate, strong-willed, resourceful and possessed with excellent memories. They touch upon all aspects of nature and its association with the Moon. Emotional and enigmatic, Willow people respond quickly to situations but are prone to sudden mood changes, which can make them difficult to get to know. Being shrewd and practical, they can be brilliant inventors but are also drawn to the unexplained mysteries of life. As a friend, the Willow individual can be a powerful ally…on the other hand, he or she can make for a formidable enemy. Willows have a type of passive tenacity and can be extraordinarily wise counselors and extremely nurturing parents who are protective of loved ones. The Willow person is often reluctant to forgive and forget, which can lead to permanent rifts with friends and family. In the work force, Willows are usually employed in very responsible positions but find it hard to settle upon a definitive career. If the career choice should be in the field of education, however, they are counted among the best teachers. Willow individuals seldom express a controversial opinion in public (which makes them appear very amiable) but privately, their views are usually strong one way or the other. They are possessed with an overactive imagination and tend to fret needlessly about health matters. The Willow has a deep interest in family loyalty and history and usually becomes the family genealogist. The figure of the mother tends to dominate and influence the Willow throughout his or her life but once, married, there is no more devoted individual when it comes to the spouse and children.

The lunar energy of Willow people can be positively channeled into the arts, but it can also suddenly activate latent creative skills that may appear to change the personality. For the most part, Willows are incredibly difficult to get to know due to the type of “veil” over their personalities which hides a great deal. Their sense of humor is not always easy to define and tends to “come and go” depending upon the occasion. Blessed with a potential wisdom that makes them wise advisors, they are usually valued members of society. Willow individuals usually marry at a young age and close personal relationships are of the utmost importance. With the correct partner, Willow individuals create a powerful bond that tends to strike an affinity between the sexes. Willows must learn how to trust their inner voice or they can become moody and chronically indecisive. Since the Moon has always been associated with those who can influence the public with the force of their personality…either good or bad…the Willow individual is usually one to be reckoned with.

There will be some Willow individuals who fail to fit the character pictures described above. These are, in every sense, the great magicians of the world. Appearing on the surface to be the most conventional of human beings, he or she will be experiencing an incredible inner life or imagination. However, there will be a time when this hidden potential suddenly bursts forth. It may take the form of writing to public figures or perhaps adopting a personal political role to address the rights and wrongs of a particular issue. Then again, there will be periods when such personal motiviation ceases as suddenly as it began and the intuitive nature of such a Willow individual appears to crave a complete break from the routine rigors of daily life.

Physical Goal: To encourage a comfortable relationship with the material world, which is full of lessons and cycles of changing values. Change is paramount for growth…and values are no exception.

Mental Goal: To gain understanding of a particular concept…a steady accumulation of facts is the foundation of understanindg. Not everything may be learned in one lesson…the key is repetition.

Spiritual Goal: To learn that there must be periods of rest rather than continual activity.

Amergin Verse: “I am a Hawk on a Cliff”

Ogham Association: Saille

Polarity: Feminine

Color: Known only to be “bright”

Class: Peasant

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